Adını Kütahya’nın tarihteki ilk adlarından alan (Synaos) Kütahya Fikir Kulübü Derneği 2023 yılında dört AB projesine imza atarak dalında bir ilki başardı. Kütahya’da 2004 yılında kurulan Kütahya Fikir Kulübü Derneği (SFKD) AB projelerinde kentimizin gururu olmayı sürdürmektedir. 2010 yılında Türkiye Ulusal Ajansı tarafından üç dalda akredite edilen SFKD bölgemizde de Avrupa Gönüllülük Hizmeti sunan ilk…
The project took place in Karniowie, Poland between 12-17 October 2023. As SynaosThink tank Association (SFK), we participated in this project with Mert KÖŞE, Batuhan KANDEMİR and Sudenur SARAÇ.Here is how the project introduces itself: Ever wonder how to use computers and the internet for youth work? ‘Dr. Digital’ is here to show you the…
We participated in the project held in ZARAUTZ, Spain between 1-9 October 2023 with the team of İ.Selim EROL, Berru KUNT, Ata BOZKURT, Ebru Öziltürk and Canan YALIM. A brief summary of the project is as follows: The fundamental objective of Let’sUnbox is to increase young people’semployability by focusing on theirpersonal and professional growth andutilizing…
The project took place in Zarautz, Spain between 1-8 October 2023. As SynaosThink tank Association (SFK), we participated in this project with Mert KÖŞE, Taha Turgut GÜLSEN and İlyas Kayra AK team.Brief summary of the project:“Make It Clickable” is a training course thatwill help youth workers overcome online andtechnical obstacles by providing guidanceand practical experience…
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