“Eastern Project Lab” is a training course for potential partners of Youth Exchanges in frame of Erasmus+ Youth programme. This event focuses on development of partnerships and capacity building among youth organisations from Progamme countries, and Eastern Partnership countries for the sake of development Youth Exchange projects in the frames of Youth in Action programme…
Developing Enrepreneurship at European Level The current socio-economic context proves the necessity of the entrepreneurship development,as being an efficient way of supporting the active measures of the labor market in order to create new jobs and to stimulate the economy. In a Europe where many young people are out of work or cannot even find…
Our a project of R3 period was accepted by the Turkish National Agency. Special Thanks to our colleagues.(STTA)R3 DÖNEMİNE AİT BİR PROJEMİZ DAHA ULUSAL AJANSIMIZ TARAFINDAN KABUL EDİLMİŞTİR.ÇALIŞMA ARKADAŞLARIMIZA TEŞEKKÜRLER.(SFKD)
Kütahya is known for its tiles. With this project, we will try to increase the visibility of Kütahya China further. I sincerely wish success to my colleagues and all my friends whose projects are accepted. Kütahya Çinisiyle tanınır. Bu projemizle Kütahya Çinisinin görünürlüğünü daha da artırmaya çalışacağız. Emeği geçen çalışma arkadaşlarıma ve projeleri kabul edilen…
Another EU project in which our Association introduced our Kütahya and Tile Art was awarded a grant from the National Agency. I would like to thank all Synaos Think Tank Club (SFK) members, laborers and volunteers. Derneğimizin,Kütahya’mızı ve Çini Sanatını tanıttığı bir AB projesi daha Ulusal Ajanstan hibe almaya hak kazanmıştır. Tüm Fikir Kulübü üyelerine,emek…
The course search engine we can use for K1 courses when applying for our projects. https://www.schooleducationgateway.eu/en/pub/teacher_academy/catalogue.cfm Projelerimizin başvurularını yaparken K1 kursları için kullanabileceğimiz kurs arama motoru. K1 courses published by the commission to choose
My friends, I would like to remind you that you will use OID code instead of PIC in your new project applications. You can reach your OID number when you enter your organization name in the link below. I wish conveniences. Arkadaşlar yeni proje başvurularınızda PIC yerine OID kodu kullanacağınızı hatırlatmak isterim.Aşağıdaki linke organizasyon adınızı…
The first #deadline of the Erasmus+ programme 2021-27 will be on the first half of May 2021. The first deadline of the Erasmus+ programme 2021-27 will happen in the first half of May 2021: the news come from the Croatian National Agency. The information hasn’t yet received confirmation, neither by the official channels of Erasmus+ nor by…
Aysel Selahattin Erkasap Sosyal Bilimler Lisesi Okul Müdürü Ahmet İREN, İngilizce öğretmenleri Sevgi ALTUN DİLEK ve Muammer KARAKAYA ile proje temsilcisi öğrenciler, Müdürlüğümüzü ziyaret ederek okullarında yürütülen eTwinning ve Erasmus+ projeleri hakkında İl Millî Eğitim Müdürümüz Hasan BAŞYİĞİT’e bilgi verdiler. İl Millî Eğitim Müdürümüz Hasan BAŞYİĞİT, projelerde görev alan öğretmen ve öğrencileri tebrik ederek çalışmalarında…
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